Hindusthan Educational and Charitable Trust (HECT) established in the year 1992 with a vision to serve the poor & needy of the society. This realization embarked the journey of HECT - in 1998 with the establishment of Hindusthan College of Arts & Science (HICAS), one of the finest Arts & Science college in Tamilnadu which remains the flagship institute of the group.
An initial step taken by a great visionary Sri. T.S.R.Khannaiyann, who nurtured a strong conviction to provide the best of education to the society today has resulted in a strong educational realm. HINDUSTHAN Group today has best infrastructure facilities with the application of varied teaching methodologies. With highly qualified and dedicated teachers, the group has grown leaps and bounds and will continue to do so looking for both horizontal and vertical growth patterns. Presently, we have more than 1000 teaching staff and almost more than 500 non teaching staff.
Since 1998 HINDUSTHAN Group of Institutions have grown leaps and bounds and has had a strong impact in the field of education throughout the country. With more than 6 campuses hosting 11 Institutions in Coimbatore the HINDUSTHAN Group provides education in the fields of Engineering, Arts, Science, Para Medical, Food & Technology, Communication, Masters in Business Administration, Education and also School Education. Presently, more than 22000 students are pursuing various programs in all the institutions managed by the trust.
The Management has always stood by its commitment to the betterment of the student community and had at first established itself as a brand in the field of Education has reigned supreme with the ‘Life Time Education Achievement Award’ for giving back to society. The Management believes in quality and has set new trends/ innovative training methodologies in all its Institutions that will assist students towards the road to success.
HINDUSTHAN Group believes in developing the overall personality of its students in order to create future responsible global citizens. Hence, imparting training is done based on the five principles of the HINDUSTHAN’s holistic development policy –
1. To develop a spirit of inquiry and achieve Academic Excellence.
2. To inculcate a sense of discipline and character.
3. To develop a spirit of Social Commitment.
4. To promote a Culture of Peace in society.
5. To build a strong Industry – Institute Interface.
HINDUSTHAN has traversed the path of rapid development in education, along with the nation, often responding positively to changed needs and at times initiating significant changes. We have evolved in twenty-six years by overcoming tough hurdles set more by limitations of thinking in that era, rather than lack of ability, to arrive at a point where we can explore the vastness of knowledge and possibilities on the global canvas.
Sri. T.S.R. Khannaiyann hails from an Agricultural family and groomed himself into a dynamic Entrepreneur under the able guidance and encouragement of his well-wishers. In the early 70s, he started his career as a trader of Electro Mechanical Equipment and had a keen desire to serve a greater purpose in the business and started the Transformer manufacturing industry at Coimbatore; very soon he became leader in the Transformer Industry. Thereafter, he expanded the Hindusthan Group of Companies into various diversified fields, from Electrical to Electronics, Computer to Chemical and Mechanical Engineering.
Sri. T.S.R.Khannaiyann did his best and has wrought miracles in the lives of all those around. After achieving his best in the industry - to serve the poor, needy and down trodden he laid the stones for Hindusthan Educational and Charitable Trust in the year 1992. Sri.T.S.R.Khannaiyann assists, guides, channelizes, and monitors the Trust with amazing skill and prudence, backed by his astounding managerial acumen. His every step proved that he is a visionary.
Sri.T.S.R.Khannaiyann has a personal calling that is unique as a fingerprint, and with his service mindedness, and dedication to this cause; he governs Hindusthan Empire. In support of this calling he had, beside his the support of His wife Smt. T.R.K Sarasuwathi, his son Er. K. Sakthivel and daughter Dr.K.Priya, the three dynamic forces who have paved the way for the expansion of the institutions under his Chairmanship and follows his foot path to make this group as a conglomerate.
He is always working towards his thirst of
“Bringing the best in the industry to this Competitive world".
Smt. T.R.K Sarasuwathi hails from an agricultural family and groomed herself into a dynamic woman under the able guidance and encouragement of her grandmother.
She stood by her husband Sri. T S R Khannaiyann and being a pillar of support and strength when they had a keen desire to serve a greater purpose in the business.
Happiness consists in giving and in serving others and it has been a constant practice for Smt. T.R.K Sarasuwathi to give back to the society that she has become a part of.
She has initiated many eco - friendly projects, introduced many welfare schemes for the employees and many programs for developing the rural and under privileged community by giving them opportunities to enhance their educational standards. She was instrumental in providing scholarships to the needy students from economically weaker section. Her services are extended to adopting primary schools and health care centres for improving their quality of service.
Smt. T.R.K Sarasuwathi has travelled down the road where no path has existed and has left a trail of glory in the form of vast numbers of Institutions that are now under her guidance.
The strength of Smt. T.R.K Sarasuwathi is not measured in the furnace of hardships, but lies in her ability to overcome these hardships and ultimately become one who desires to be, unafraid to be herself.
Dr. K Priya is a rank holder in Engineering and has to her credit an MBA with Doctorate Degree in Management, plays an active role in the Day-to-Day management of the Institutions under the Hindusthan Banner. She has been in Educational field for more than 15 years. She has a vast experience in managing 8 colleges and 3 schools.
As an Executive Trustee and Secretary, she followed the lead of her parents and spearheaded many innovative schemes for the welfare of students and staff.
Her passion for Quality education helped her to lead the institution in setting up the State-of Art facilities. Her respect for human values and encouragement for innovative ideas is an important factor for the growth of Hindusthan Educational Institutions.
Dr.K.Priya has great long term goals for the Institution. She wanted everything in Hindusthan Institutions to be of International standard, be it buildings, equipments or faculty and greatly contributed for the growt
He graduated as an Engineer and turned out as an outstanding young administrator. He has created a revolution in the youth education by involving himself into the administration of educational institutions of the group. He is also an enthusiastic and energetic engineer who played a major role in the development of institutions. He has contributed to the success of educational institutions by motivating the youth to participate in every aspect of functioning for ensuring phenomenal growth.