The Ethics Committee is responsible for advising the College on the development, implementation and review of institutional procedures and guidelines relating to ethical issues arising from teaching, research and other related institutional activities. The role of the Ethics Committee is to be proactive in relation to emerging issues of institutional, national or international significance but will be reactive in relation to providing guidance for individual members of Faculty or Department.
♦ To advise college on the development of institutional policies and guidelines relating to ethical issues arising from teaching, research and other related institutional activities.
♦ To advise college on the development, publication and review of criteria to be applied to research sponsorship.
♦ To promote and monitor good practice within the institution in respect of the management of ethical issues.
♦ To provide advice to departments and individual members of staff on ethical issues arising from teaching, research and institutional practice.
♦ To formulate institutional responses to national and international developments relating to ethical issues.
♦ To consider any matters referred to the committee by the research committee, boards of studies, departments and individual members of the staff.
♦ To monitor ethical practice within the college and the operation of research ethics committees.
♦ To establish a panel which is empowered to act on behalf of the ethics committee as required to review the ethical implications of research projects where these do not fall within the scope or remit of existing ethics committees.
Committee Members
Minutes of the Meeting