Hindusthan Hostel
The Hostels are situated within the campus of Hindusthan College of Arts & Science. The ambience is so much of a home to reveal that hostel can be called a home away from home. There are separate hostel facilities for boys and girls. Nearly 2024 students are accommodated in both the hostels. They are provided with Vegetarian and Non Vegetarian food. There is a central canteen and six cafeteria inside the college premises.

Rules & Regulations of HiCAS Hostel ( Girls & Boys)
Welcome you all to Hindusthan Hostel!
- Resident shall pay hostel fee for one year as onetime payment. The term for the hostel fee is one academic year as per the Institute academic calendar.
- Room Allotment shall be done by the authorities. Resident shall not interchange their room with another into vacant room without prior permission from the authorities. The warden have the right to shift any resident from their room to another room in the hostel.
- A resident shall not occupy a room without allotment. He /She shall neither transfer nor exchange their rooms with other resident.
- Warden, Deputy Wardens and Resident Tutors plays a significant role in maintaining the discipline in the hostel.
- Residents who have vacated/expelled from the hostel due to disciplinary action, should obtain permission from warden for accommodation if they want to rejoin.
- The Warden is vested with full powers to expel a student from the hostel if his / her presence is considered detrimental to the discipline of the hostel.
- Attendance fills between 8.30pm - 9:00 pm every night. After such prescribed time, the resident is not allowed to go out of the hostel.
- Residents who want to go outside the hostel for urgent work beyond 6.00 pm should obtain OUT PASS from Deputy Warden / Resident Tutors.
- Residents shall not stay outside after the hostel timing except in emergency (Proper information to the hostel authority). Residents shall not remain in the Hostel during class hours and at other times when their presence is expected in the Institution, except with the permission of the Warden.
- The Hostel Wardens or any other Officials of the institute along with Security Guards may at their discretion inspect /check any room or residents belongings living there in any time of the day or night.
- Every resident admitted to the hostel will be issued a Hostel Identity Card. Students are advised to keep the Identity Card safe in their possession.
- The hostel ID must be shown for verification whenever security guard / other officials of the hostel requires.
- In case of loss of Hostel ID card, duplicate ID card will be given by paying Rs. 100/- and ID card should be submitted at the time of vacating the hostel failing which Rs. 200/- will be deducted from caution deposit.
- No food will be served in the rooms of the hostel for any student unless a certificate is produced form the Medical Officer to the effect that the students' condition requires the food to be served in their rooms.
- Day Scholars are not permitted inside the Hostel. Action will be taken against the residents who encourage and permit the day scholar to stay in their room. However day scholars are permitted for valid reasons by producing their college Identity card to the security guard during day time and with written permission obtained from Warden / Deputy Warden / Resident Tutors, for night stay.
- No person other than those admitted as residents of the hostel may stay in the hostel premises.
- Theft/damage to hostel assets in common areas/corridors will be recovered from all Residents of the flank/wing involved. In case of theft/damage to items that pertain to usage by the complete hostel, the recoveries will be made from all the occupants of the hostel.
- The hostel authorities is not responsible for any loss or theft of the belongings of the residents. The residents must make their own arrangements for safe custody of the same.
- While leaving the room, students should take care to switch off the lights and fans without fail. In case of default on this account, a reasonable fine per default occasion will be imposed by the warden /Rector.
- Shouting loudly, whistling, playing in verandas, playing music systems loudly, affixing posters, photographs, wall paper, indecent posters etc., on walls and glass panels, use of objectionable language are strictly prohibited.
- Residents are not permitted to convene meetings or put up notice of any concern in the hostel without the Warden’s written permission.
- Residents shall not interfere with the work of the hostel staff and cases of misconduct, if any, should only be brought to the notice of the warden for appropriate action.
- The residents should pay all the dues in time failing they have to vacate the hostel.
- During the vacation, belongings should be kept in the store room under lock and key.
- Residents whose name removed from Institution Rolls shall by that very fact forfeit the hostel membership and must vacate the room.
- All furniture and fixture in the rooms allotted to the student must be cared for properly. The resident will be required to pay double the original cost if any item is found damaged or missing from their room due to careless / negligent handling. The resident will also be required to pay twice the charges of the repair of an item that is found to have been wilfully damaged or have been damaged on account of misuse or unfair wear and tear.
- Ragging is strictly prohibited and also treated as an offence . If any resident found guilty of ragging they will be immediately dismissed from hostel as well as college.
- If any ragging incidents occur to Ist year residents, they are instructed to report the same to Warden, Deputy wardens and Resident Tutors.
- Residents are strictly warned of the serious and cognizable offence of being in possession of liquor, drinks, Smoking and playing cards. Such residents will be expelled from hostel.
- The student shall not indulge in any political or communal activity which is detrimental to the law and order and/or against the Government. Students shall not carry on any propaganda or publicity of any nature whatsoever in respect of any political or communal matters.