Curriculum Feedback Policy |
▶️ The institution envisages student-centric education by providinga compelling influence upon the students achievement through its curriculum components as to effect from the Vision and Mission of the Institute. It focuses on the quality of the work which is directly linked to the learning purposes and success principles. It assists the learner to reproduce their learning and their learning approaches through contemporary knowledge and skill expansion. Therefore, they can fine-tuneand enlighten advancement in learning, and plot the next steps towards accomplishing the learning intentions or societal goals.
▶️ To transcend the curricula to meet the expectations of the Industry and Research outcome, the college follows a structured feedback mechanism from different stakeholders such as external experts, faculty members, students, parents, alumni, industry experts and accreditation bodies, ensuring quality teaching-learning process, research opportunities, and outreach services through education.Besides playing a vital role in the evaluation, development and enhancement of the quality of the learning experience, feedback from stakeholders lets the college appraise how common public and students regard the service provisions. Moreover, it involves the provision of information about aspects of understanding and performance of the curriculum by the stakeholders.
▶️ The process of feedback analysis put cumulativeimportance on the need for involvement of the students in the quality assurance of the Institute. The stakeholders’ involvement demands to act as active receivers of teaching and learning. We carry out the distribution, collection, analysis and corrective action of the filled-feedback form for each semester.
The feedback of various stakeholders involved in the following aspects:
♦️ Devising vision, mission and programme educational objectives
♦️ Identification of curriculum gap and the activities that support the POs/PSOs for continual improvement.
♦️ Participation in various academic and administrative committees like Governing Council, Academic Council, IQAC, Parent teachers association, and Alumni association meetings.
The following parameters are followed to obtain feedback:
♦️ Contemporary nature of the syllabus
♦️ Content relates to competencyin the syllabus
♦️ Appropriateness of syllabus for both slow and fast learners
♦️ Allocation of credits to the syllabus in the course
♦️ Time framework of the syllabus during the semester
♦️ To give weightage to theory and practical
♦️ Availability of standard textbooks for the coverage of the syllabus
♦️ Sustainability of evaluation system adopted under the syllabus
♦️ Job readiness aptitude of syllabus
♦️ Value content of the syllabus in making the students good citizens
Direct feedback from the students
▶️ We collect the course wise feedbackfrom students to discuss on an individual and representative basis periodically as well as at the end of every semester. Further, we document and evaluate to learn the free-floating mindset of the student. We advise students that they will have an opportunity to ask questions about their assessment and to give feedback as close to the learning and assessment task as possible. We also ask the student to be specific and unambiguous about the feedback, providing examples where possible. Thus, the obtained feedback is to be placed in the forth coming BoS meeting for any alteration required to improve the curriculum and the same to incorporate.
Feedback from Parents:
▶️ Reporting to parents commonly occurs at least twice a year in a formal written statement from the Department for more interaction about their wards academic learning progress, and strategies that they may use to assist to improve on the curriculum. Besides, learning the specific interest of students in favour of curriculum design, placement opportunity and the same to effect in the curriculum.
Feedback from Subject Teachers:
▶️ The feedback from teachers is an important parameter for the quality development of the curriculum and the quality of the student of the institution. As far as curriculum is concerned, we receive every year and evaluateit by IQAC thus the necessary amelioration in the curriculum design and syllabus for the betterment of the student community. Moreover, feedback is often encouraged off-handedly among the faculty members. This in turn enhances the faculty strategy for evaluating one another work against the learning intentions and the success criteria thus providing appropriate feedback.
Feedback from External experts:
▶️ Following the initial development of curriculum by the subject teachers, student, and alumni, this comes up before the external experts whom the Department have nominated, from the respective fields to scrutiny further evaluating the logical and rational inputs before going in for the official BoS meeting.
Feedback from BoS Members:
▶️ The competent Members will feature the Board of Studies who would go through the curriculum and put forth their inputs and contribution to enrich the syllabus. The college forms BoS with faculty and experts with not less than 10 years experience in the field apart from University nominee.
Feedback from Alumni:
▶️ Feedback from Alumni of the department is to be obtained for the course wise based on their real-life industrial and institutional experiences, which they can help improve and have better contents in the syllabus or alteration if any deemed required. Therefore, it can help to boost the carrier opportunities of the student as well as improve the curriculum.
Employer Feedback
▶️ Employer feedback is the most important determinant of the success of the educational institution. The employer can facilitate the growth of an intellectual community through funding in terms of infrastructure development, as well as to incur the entire monetary requirement to get smooth academic functioning. Thus, the employer will provide their suggestions to make changes during the upcoming BoS meeting.
Feedback Analysis Forms & Reports |