The National Service Scheme was started to establish a meaningful linkage between the campus and the community. Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, had recognized that the country could not progress in a desired direction until the student youth were motivated to work for the upliftment of the villages/community. For Gandhiji the villages, where the majority of the population lived, represent the country i.e. India. Therefore, for the national reconstruction and national resurgence it was deemed fit that the students and teachers should be properly sensitized and utilized for strengthening the Indian society as a whole with particular emphasis on rural community. Therefore, student youth, teachers and the community are considered the three basic components of the National Service Scheme.
The operational aim of NSS is to integrate the three basic components of the programme. NSS programmes provide a variety of learning experiences to develop a sense of participation, service and achievement among the volunteers. The activities aim at the following:-
♦️ Making education more relevant to the present situation to meet the needs of the community and supplement the education of the university/college students by bringing them face to face with the rural situation;
♦️ Providing opportunities to the students to play their role in planning and executing development projects which would not only help in creating durable community assets in rural areas and urban slums but also results in the improvement of quality of life of the economically and socially weaker sections of the community;
♦️ Encouraging students and non-students to work together along with the adults in rural areas;
♦️ Developing qualities of leadership by discovering the latent potential among the campers, both students as well as local youth (Rural and Urban), with a view to involve them more intimately in the development programme and also to ensure proper maintenance of the assets created during the camps;
♦️ Emphasizing dignity of labour and self-help and the need for combining physical work with intellectual pursuits
♦️ Encouraging youth to participate enthusiastically in the process of national development and promote national integration, through corporate living and cooperative action. While undertaking these activities, each NSS unit should envisage its programmes/activities aimed at instilling discipline, building character, promotion of physical fitness and development of culture.
♦️ To Understand the community in which they work
♦️ To Understand themselves in relation to their community;
♦️ To Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process;
♦️ To Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility;
♦️ To Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems;
♦️ To Develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities;
♦️ To Gain skills in mobilizing community participation;
♦️ To Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude;
♦️ To Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and practice national integration and social harmony.
Advisory Committee
Name |
Position |
Dr. A.Ponnusamy – Principal |
Chairperson |
Dr. M.Punitha Professor & Head Dept. of Social Work |
Member |
Dr. P.Srilekha Assistant Professor, Dept. of Social Work |
Member |
Dr. P.Arumugasamy Professor & Head Dept. of Commerce IB |
Member |
Mr. S.Rajarajan Senior Manager – Project, Cheshire Home, Coimbatore, (International Leonard Cheshire Global Alliance –UK) |
Member |
Mr. K.Balaguru – II B.COM IB |
Member |
Ms. S.Niveditha – II B.COM IT – B |
Member |
Mr. N.Poonthamizhan – Assistant Professor Dept. of Social Work & NSS Programme Officer – Unit - I |
Member Secretary |
Mr. K.Vinoth - Assistant Professor Dept. of Commerce & NSS Programme Officer – Unit - II
Member Secretary |
Dr. N.Lakshmi Priya, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce PA & AF & NSS Programme Officer – Unit – III |
Member Secretary |
Meeting of the Minutes