College campus is a place to find valuable friendship and to cherish unforgettable moments. We, here at HICAS, strongly condemn any kind of ragging practices. Our students welcome the fresher’s with flowers and they do not believe in violence or unhealthy practices. Our faculty members impart good values with education and that is what set HICAS apart. Ragging is totally prohibited. If anyone indulges in ragging, he/she will be handed over to the police and the law will take its course. Students are therefore requested to refrain from indulging in any kind of ragging.
Anti ragging committee is responsible for forming an “Ant-ragging Flying Squad” and also forms a duty chart for each and every member of the flying squad.
♦️ Ensure anti ragging instructions are displayed at prominent places including bus, canteen and hostels.
♦️ To implement and coordinate anti-ragging measures.
♦️ To take cognizance of any breach of discipline and suggest immediate disciplinary action in such cases.
♦️ To conduct enquiries of the defaulter students against individual/ collective indiscipline.
♦️ Collection of relevant evidence of incidence of indiscipline.
♦️ To take preventive steps such as issue of notices, warnings, instructions, regulating certain actions etc. against individual or collective indiscipline.
♦️ To decide the quantum of punishment to be imposed on the erring students.
♦️ To maintain & enforce strict discipline in the college campus.
♦️ To keep continuous watch and vigil over ragging so as to prevent its occurrence and recurrence .
The Important Functions of Anti Ragging Committee are as follows:
♦️ Chairman of the Anti ragging Committee will brief all members of Anti Ragging and Flying Squad about their duties/action regarding anti ragging.
♦️ The members of the Anti-ragging Flying Squad will carry out regular checks for any Ragging activity in their areas. They will carry out surprise checks in probable areas of ragging.
♦️ In case of any ragging incidence noticed on the spot, assessment of the incidence is made and necessary information is given to the Anti ragging Committee Chairman/Principal immediately.
♦️ To spread anti-ragging campaign throughout the student community by giving full publicity to the punishment for ragging through suitable posters around college campus and hostel premises.
♦️ To monitor the movement of the students in the college and prevent loitering around in the Corridors, near Canteen, Mess and Hostel premises during the college working hours.
♦️ To form squads to make surprise visits to identified ragging prone areas – Bus-stops, Hostels, Canteen, Mess areas, Student waiting rooms, Vacant class rooms, and also Play grounds. Strict surveillances should be maintained in such locations for prevention of ragging.
♦️ Create awareness among students that ragging is a reprehensible act which does no good to anyone and by simultaneously generating an atmosphere of discipline by sending a clear message that no act of ragging shall go unnoticed & unpunished.
♦️ To organize / conduct anti-ragging seminars / workshops regularly in the college separately for senior and junior (fresher) students.
♦️ Interact with fresher’s and take them in confidence by apprising them of their rights as well as obligation to fight against ragging and generate confidence in their mind that any instances of ragging to which they are subjected or which comes in their knowledge should forthwith be brought to their knowledge and shall promptly be dealt with while protecting the complainants from any harassment by perpetrators of ragging.
♦️ No person who is not a student of this college should be allowed to enter the premises of the college or hostel without obtaining prior permission of the Principal, Student ID card should be checked regularly.
♦️ Committee should meet regularly once a week to review the prevalent situation & evolve effective measures to combat ragging.
Committee Members
Minutes of the Meeting